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A Letter From The New Owner


Thayne White Posted by: Thayne White 5 months ago

To the Warsaw Racquet Club Members and greater Warsaw community:

I am absolutely thrilled at the opportunity that we have in front of us. Together, we have the opportunity to not only continue the traditions and build upon the community that the Warsaw Racquet Club has had for decades now, but also to usher in new traditions, new energy, and more opportunities to serve and play what this team believes is a vital part in this community. With this new energy, there will be more opportunities and offerings from this club than many will recall in any recent history, and perhaps even further back than that.

This new energy will bring about some changes, of course, but I believe these will all be changes that will not only be beneficial to members and the greater Warsaw community, but also propel this club forward. The future of sport is bright, and this is just another reason why this team believes the time is now for us to take these necessary steps forward. Some of the first and most noticeable changes members and the community can expect are: expanded offerings of programs, leagues, hours of club availability, along with new and innovative events.

This vision for the future comes at great risk, as we are nothing without the support of our members and the surrounding communities, which is why I would ask you to consider supporting the club and the expanded offerings that will be available. The need for support and growth has never been greater, but this club and our team has never tried harder to earn this support and attest our value to the community.

The future looks bright.
Thayne White and Warsaw Racquet Club Team