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A Letter From Leon


Thayne White Posted by: Thayne White 5 months ago

It is my pleasure to announce the sale of the Warsaw Racquet Club to Mr. Thayne White. Thayne is a resident of Warsaw and many of you know him as the owner of the highly successful “Get Fit 24” Fitness Center. Thayne will bring a wealth of fresh ideas to the club while building on our current momentum. Most importantly, Thayne is anxious to continue to provide a tennis facility in Kosciusko County – a luxury that very few counties in the state are able to offer. Thayne plans to be a very active and present owner as you will note with his plans to personally be at the facility during most of the open hours – which will be significantly increased. I will be staying on as a consultant and look forward to getting Thayne off to an excellent start. Please continue to support Thayne and the Warsaw Racquet Club – let’s keep the great sport of tennis healthy and growing in our community!